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What is appendicitis?

When the inner lining of the vermiform appendix gets inflamed, it is known as appendicitis. Deemed as one of the most common causes of abdominal pain, appendicitis is a clinical emergency, which calls for prompt surgery. Delaying the treatment could result in a severely painful condition. We follow a systematic procedure to tackle appendicitis and ensure productive steps are taken to stabilize the case of appendicitis in a shorter span.

What are the Causes of Appendicitis?

The obstruction of the appendiceal lumen causes appendicitis. Lymphoid hyperplasia is the cause of luminal obstruction. Lymphoid hyperplasia develops secondary to inflammatory bowel disease or IBD. Obstruction releases pressure in the lumen. It also enlarges due to infections (bacterial, fungal and viral), fecal stasis, fecaliths (fecal debris and calcium salts are layered within the appendix). Other causes associated with the condition are gastroenteritis, Crohn’s disease, measles, amebiasis and mononeucliosis.

What are the Symptoms of Appendicitis?


      Abdominal pain- abdominal pain starts at the periumbilical region or epigastric area and migrates to the right lower quadrant




      Vomiting – vomiting preceding the pain is indicative of intestinal obstruction





What surgery is performed for appendicitis?

Appendicectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the appendix. 

Currently, Laparoscopic Appendicectomy is the gold standard. It is simple and highly effective when done by experts. In this type of surgery, a few small incisions are made in the abdomen and some tubes are inserted into the abdomen via these incisions. These tube ends have surgical instruments and a video camera that a surgeon can control from the outside. Thus, the surgery can be done without fully opening up the abdomen or causing a lot of blood loss.

In fact, this type of surgery is very beneficial to the patient as recovery time is faster and the rate of complications is also lower. When the appendix is removed, the relief felt by patients can be almost instantaneous.

In some patients if it is an emergency situation, traditional open surgery (open appendicectomy) may be performed. This type of surgery is where a small incision is made over the area and the appendix is directly accessed and removed. This is also a surgery with good success rates and although more daunting than laparoscopic surgery, is just as effective. However, recovery time usually takes a little longer.

What happens after appendix removal surgery?


Laparoscopic Appendix surgery is not a long procedure and if uncomplicated, the patient can even leave the hospital in a day or two after the surgery. Open surgery might take a longer recovery time with more days of hospitalization, however, this allows easier monitoring of your recovery and progression. On discharge, we will prescribe and provide adequate medicines and painkillers to aid in recovery as well as give detailed instructions on wound care. A review appointment will also be scheduled after a discussion with you. Further, phone numbers will be provided for you to call in case of any emergency or suspicious symptoms.

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