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What is a hernia?

A Hernia is the abnormal protrusion of an organ or the covering of an organ through the wall of the cavity that normally contains it. There are different types of hernias, each requiring a specific treatment or management. The most common hernias develop within the abdomen when the wall is weak. It evolves into a localized hole, or defect, through which fat, or abdominal organs may protrude.

Am I at a risk of developing a hernia?

You have a higher risk of developing it

What are the symptoms associated with a hernia?

A hernia is normally a bulge or a swelling under the skin. The location of the hernia is a sign of the type of hernia. Mostly they present as a painless swelling which regresses only on lying down. Often the hernia may become prominent only while you are doing some strenuous activity. The hernia may regress on its own without causing any problems. A hernia in the groin is an inguinal hernia and a hernia in the abdomen is a ventral hernia.

What are the complications associated with an untreated hernia?

A large unrepaired hernia may disrupt your normal chores and day-to-day activities. Sometimes the hernia may become incarcerated or trapped outside the abdominal wall. Additionally, it might become tightly trapped or strangulated that it no longer receives any blood supply causing the death of the tissues trapped outside. Excruciating pain, Fever, and Inflammation of the region around are all symptoms of strangulated hernia. All these complications are often avoided by timely surgical intervention. The only treatment for a hernia is surgery

When do I consult a doctor for hernia surgery?

Sometimes with time, the hernia may become painful-often associated with a dragging pain, especially on exertion. Another sign to seek immediate medical attention is when the hernia loses its ability to go back even when you push it inside.

What are the surgeries offer for hernias?

There are two ways you can approach a hernia case:

Open Surgery:
Open surgery for hernia repair is safe, it can perform under general or local anesthesia, where the surgeon puts a single large cut (incision) which is typically 6 to 8cm long to clearly view and repair the hernia, and then contents protruding out are gently back into the patients abdomen. The deficiency through which the hernia came out is strengthening using a mesh.

Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery (keyhole):
While conducting a laparoscopic hernia surgery, three small cuts are made in the patients lower abdomen and a laparoscope is inserted to view and repair the hernia. It is connected with a video camera. Mesh is used by the hernia surgeon to close and strengthen the abdominal wall.

In laparoscopic hernia surgery, patients most often receive general anesthesia. A patient recovers faster after laparoscopic surgery than open hernia surgery.

There are two types of laparoscopic procedures for inguinal hernias:

Transabdominal preperitoneal or TAPP:
The hernia approaches here through the lining that covers the abdomen (peritoneum). After the herniation is pull back inside the area is strengthen by fastening a mesh to the deficiency.

Totally Extraperitoneal or TEP:
This is a more recent technique used to approach the hernia is extraperitoneal. The deficiency is sealed with stitches or glue.

What surgery options do we have for ventral hernias?

Ventral hernias cannot recover on their own. Most often, ventral hernias (hernia in the abdomen) are surgically treated to prevent the risk of intestinal strangulation, so both open and laparoscopic surgeries performed for patients. There are also special techniques such as TAR, eTEP is conducting in select patients. Similarly, laparoscopic surgery for hernia has made incredible progress over the year and is now the preferred treatment for hernia surgery using the latest lightweight mesh. The lightweight mesh significantly preventing the recurrence of hernia rates and postoperative complications and enables patients to return home within one day.

Which of the above procedures would be a better option?

Both surgeries have their fair share of advantages and disadvantages. Laparoscopic hernia surgery offers a short recovery time, less postoperative discomfort, and less conspicuous scars, whereas open surgery has the advantage of not requiring general anesthesia. Some complex hernias are also better treated by open surgery. So the best treatment option depends on the state of the patient. Yet, the skill and experience of your hernia surgeon are major factors. 


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